Book review #12: The Night She Disappeared

Book review: The Night She Disappeared Format: Kindle ebook Rating: 5/5  O My Gawdd!! Guys, you HAVE TO read this. If this is the only fiction you read this month (or year!), YOU HAVE TO.  I wanted to talk about the plot so much with my housemate but she kept saying that she’ll read it […]

Book review #8: The Hunting Party

Dear lovely readers! How’s everyone doing this week? I’ve had a crazy busy set of night shifts last week which I’m using as an excuse for the delay in writing up this review. I spent the weekend trying to recover my energy and will to continue living. Somehow it’s already Monday and here I am […]

Book review #6: You and Me on Vacation

Book review: You and Me on Vacation by Emily Henry Rating: 3/5 ⭐⭐⭐ 🌸 short & cute🌸 slightly frustrating back & forth🌸 perfect 10% to the end, wish it was expanded more! It’s been awhile since I finished this (and by “awhile” I mean, maybe 2 weeks). It was a sweet and quick read, I […]